Industry News

What are the specific details of the UV treatment technology for erosion control blankets?


Characteristics of polypropylene materials The core of […]

Characteristics of polypropylene materials

The core of erosion control blanket nets lies in their high-quality bidirectional polypropylene materials. Polypropylene, as a thermoplastic widely used in engineering fields, is known for its excellent physical properties and chemical stability. Its high strength, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and good processing properties make polypropylene an ideal choice for manufacturing erosion control blanket nets. However, in the face of ubiquitous ultraviolet radiation in nature, pure polypropylene materials are also powerless. Therefore, a key technological innovation-anti-ultraviolet treatment technology came into being.erosion-control-blanket-netting

The secret of anti-ultraviolet technology
In order to give erosion control blanket nets excellent anti-ultraviolet performance, the R&D team has successfully developed a set of efficient and environmentally friendly anti-ultraviolet treatment technologies after in-depth research and repeated experiments. This technology is not simply adding a certain chemical agent, but through a multi-level protection strategy, it comprehensively improves the resistance of polypropylene materials to ultraviolet rays.

In the material production stage, by introducing specific ultraviolet absorbers, these absorbers can selectively absorb harmful bands in ultraviolet rays and convert them into heat or other forms of harmless energy for release. This step effectively reduces the destructive effect of ultraviolet rays on the structure of polypropylene materials and extends the service life of the materials.

In order to further enhance the anti-ultraviolet effect, the R&D team also adopted surface treatment technology. They used advanced nanotechnology to build a dense nano protective layer on the surface of polypropylene material. This protective layer is not only highly transparent and does not affect the visible light transmittance of the material, but also has strong ultraviolet reflection and scattering capabilities. When ultraviolet rays hit the surface of the material, most of the light will be reflected or scattered back by this nano protective layer, and only a very small part can penetrate into the material.

The anti-ultraviolet treatment technology used in the erosion control blanket net not only pursues high-efficiency performance, but also fully considers the requirements of environmental protection and sustainable development. All additives and treatment agents used are strictly screened to ensure that they are non-toxic, biodegradable or easy to recycle and reuse. In addition, the polypropylene material itself has good recyclability. After reaching its service life, it can be recycled and reused to reduce resource waste and environmental pollution.

The anti-ultraviolet performance of the erosion control blanket net shows strong vitality. Whether in the scorching desert area or in the humid and rainy tropical rainforest, the erosion control blanket net can maintain its structural integrity and functional stability, providing lasting protection for soil and vegetation. At the same time, its good water permeability and air permeability also create favorable conditions for the growth of vegetation and promote the rapid recovery of the ecological environment.