A plant support net is a type of netting that is used to support plants as they grow. These nets are often used in greenhouses or other controlled growing environments, and are designed to help preven...
A snow fence is an effective way to protect your property from the ravages of snow and wind. These fences are designed to slow the wind and redirect drifts into a different area. Depending on your nee...
Protective netting is used in many different ways. It can be found in tennis courts, baseball batting cages, golf driving ranges and indoor arenas. It can also be used to protect trees from hail and o...
Using a horticulture net to support plants is a great way to reduce the expense of installing a trellis. You can also use the horticulture net to increase the amount of sunlight that your plant receiv...
Whether you are growing vegetables, vines, flowers or fruits, a plant support net is an important tool. It can help to increase yield, improve quality and speed up harvest. It also provides lateral an...
Using a climbing plant net will provide support for your high climbing plants. It can also be used to keep leaves dry and fruit from getting damaged by frost. There are various types of plant netting ...