Industry News

Crop protective netting is agricultural protection device


With the development of modern agriculture, crop protec […]

With the development of modern agriculture, crop protection is becoming more and more important. Many factors that exist in the natural environment can cause damage to crops, such as strong winds, pebbles, insects and birds. In order to effectively protect crops, farmers have begun to use various protective measures, one of which is to use Crop Protective Netting.

Crop Protective Netting is a netting used to protect crops and is made from a variety of materials including polypropylene, polyester and polyethylene. Highly flexible, durable and anti-corrosion, these materials not only protect crops from the elements, but also keep insects and birds away from them.

This netting is usually placed over the entire crop to form a cover. This prevents crop damage from storms and other weather conditions. In addition, Crop Protective Netting protects against sediment from heavy rains that can damage crops. This protects the crop from rain, keeping the crop protected in all weather conditions.

However, the main demonstration of use is the prevention of insects and birds. These organisms can cause serious damage to some crops, such as wheat and corn. Crop Protective Netting can solve this problem very well. The netting covers directly over the crops, effectively keeping insects and birds out.

To sum up, Crop Protective Netting is a very useful agricultural protection device that can help farmers protect crops. Adoption of this technology allows crops to be protected in any situation, helping farmers avoid economic losses and yield losses.